
The Mission

To Provide Hope & Encouragement in the Word of God through the Music, Writing, Blogging, Podcast, Videos, Graphics and all that I do for His glory alone!

Me & My Family

I am the wife of a wonderful husband, Joseph Metzler, and I have been blessed to be a mom to a beautiful daughter, Shelby Elizabeth. Being a mother and wife has instilled in me the importance of putting God first in all that I do. No matter what ministry I invest my time in for the Lord, they are with me, day-in-day-out, every step of the way! My family is my first ministry. I love them both so very much! We have a small 14 acre farm in Oklahoma and I am excited to see what God does in and through us each new day He gifts to us! God is so good! He loves me and my family and you and yours so very much!

Stay Connected

Given technology abounds all around us, I have transitioned many of my efforts onto platforms to reach a broader audience. I will continue to do so. For now, here are some ways to connect with me.

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